September 26, 2006 - 7:45 am Comments (16)

Episode 26! Today we love running into people on the street, grilled cheese, and the different things people call their grandparents. We close the show with our listener Tommy’s Caramel Quesadilla Experiment. Check him out at

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No shame in the Kraft singles Ms. Davis!

I love to add a thin slice of tomato and avocado to my grilled cheese!
Grilled Cheese: sometimes with bacon, sometimes with tomato, but usually just Kraft Singles (gimme a break, I have an eight-year-old at home, ha!) and for comfort, with Chicken Noodle Soup. Oh, and I also love the cold ketchup with it, I'm right there with ya, Rob Lindleeeeeeyyy!

On the subject of grandparents: My parents are Meme (meemee) and Poppy, and they are from California. My husband's parents (who we don't talk to often, but are still beloved) are Grandpa Merle and Grandee (Grandee's name is Randee, so that was a 'gimme').

My grandparents were Nana and Pappy (from Maine) and Grandma and Granddad (from California). So it may be regional (Nana being from the Northeast).

I love the show! Keep on keepin' on. ;)
I have always had my grilled cheese with mayo, that's right I said mayo. You butter the outside and then inside put 1 or 2 slices of American and thin layer of mayonaise. It makes the cheese creamier.

I love KED's idea of putting avocado on it, that sounds delicious. While on the subject of avocado, I love the Jimmy John's Beach Club which features a delightful avocado spread.
Grilled cheese: I'm of the simple school, cheddar on wheat, buttered on the outside only. If you add things it just doesn't seem like a grilled cheese - though the avacado does sound delicious, maybe with gruyere on pumpernickel? I'm definitely getting hungry.
As for grandparents, when I was little, I called my mom's father and mother grandma and grandpa, and my dad's father and mother, "the other grandpa and grandma". My dad's mother still seems to be mad about this, cos she's kinda prickly sometimes. I called my great grandparents "nanna" and "buppa".
Turbans! At the Milan fashion week:
Grilled cheese is an art, and a right of passage in our family. We butter both sides of the bread (I butter one side, put it in the pan, and then butter the other side to avoid a mess). Then you add the cheese (velveeta). Next you put the next piece of bread butter side down, and butter the other side of the bread. DELICIOUS!

On the whole grandparents thing: I call my grandma Tiny....not by choice. That's what she requested to be called, so that's what we call her. My wife calls one set of her grandparents Nana and Papa. Her other grandmother is lovingly called Granny Drunk Drunk (she's a Gin loving woman) :)

Lori wins!
Wow - not only do I want grilled cheese and cold ketchup now
but i want a tumbler of gin
you can call me Granny Granny Drunk Drunk
Oh how I love Fridays and catching up on How Much Do We Love!

I love my grilled cheese on oatwheat bread, butter on the outside only and Muenster cheese from the deli on the inside. Delish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paired with a bowl of tomato soup made with milk and sprinkled with celery salt, it's the perfect comfort food.

Grandparents, Nana and Papa on mom's side and Grandma and Grandpa on my dad's side. Nana and Papa are from the east coast. Nana gets really fiesty if I call her anything but "Nana." Everyone else must call her Eleanor. I love old people!!!!!!
Ooh...celery salt. How much do I love celery salt. I'm putting that one on the list.
My husband's father (recently retired) called his grandfather Bopbop. Which I think is a hysterical variant on Poppop.
Oh! Also! You didn't mentioned the REAL jewish nicknames for grandparents: Bubbie and Zaydie (with obviously millions of spelling variations due to the insanity of yiddish/herew-english translation).
My brothers kids call my mom and dad:

GeeYa (I was told it was a combination of "Granny" and her name "dinah")
Big Daddy (I love that my dad wanted to be called a character from a tennessee williams play!)
I saw a license plate recently and I think it might be a Grandma's nickname: Gam Gams
My mom's parents lived around the corner from us, and my dad's parents lived a 4-hour-drive away. We called them Grandma & Grandpa Short, and Grandma & Grandpa Long. My sister came up with it when she was about 3, and it stuck hard.

My nieces & nephews use grandparents' first names: Grandpa Pat, Grandma Chris, etc. My mom is Grandma Pam, which sometimes turns into Gramela Pamela - how much do I love that?!?
We have to have 2 kinds of processed cheese at our house for grilled cheese. I like the Kraft Singles, Geoff likes Velveeta. (?) I use either cold ketchup or ranch dressing, but I might have to try the mayo inside. That sounds good. G uses Western dressing. Our poor son isn't going to know what to have. =D

I called my grandparent's Grandma and Grandpa. Boring. G called one of his grandpas Bapa (pronouced Buppa). Our parents have christened themselves Grammy and Papa (well, he had a little help with this one) and Nana and Bapa since Geofferey is just starting to talk.

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