HMDWL 30! Uh oh…it’s Friday the 13th and time for our first HMDWL Bizarro Cast!!
Music by the exceptional Rosin Coven, the Bay Area’s premiere Pagan Lounge Ensemble. Check them out!
Call our listener line at 206 33-WE-LUV or email us at and tell us about what you love and how much you love it!
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October 13th, 2006 at 4:35 am
Do you know what I love the most about this episode? It falls in great with National Sarcastics Awareness Month. BE SARCASTIC. BE AWARE. Thanks for making sure you are observing this wonderful holiday….month…thing.
October 13th, 2006 at 7:10 am
Looking forward to listening to the Bizaro Cast on my drive home!!
October 13th, 2006 at 8:53 am
1/2 a conversation? How much do we love people talking on those walkie/talkie cell phones where we can enjoy BOTH sides of the conversation? IN THE BATHROOM! Soooo enjoyable.
October 14th, 2006 at 11:45 am
My favorite 1/2 conversation was when I was walking to the mail box. I saw one of my neighbors on the phone, and the only thing she said was "and then monkey jumped on it!" It was so hard not to LOL! One of my bizaro favorites is being on hold with an automated receptionist. 'for billing press one, to change your personal info press two, if you want to jump through this phone and strangle me press three….."
October 15th, 2006 at 10:55 am
How much do we love people who get off an escalator and just stand there? What about those wonderful people who think a busy doorway is a good place for a chat? Or families that saunter down the street in a line across the entire sidewalk? Or folks who have to wait to be told how much the coffee they buy every morning costs before they produce a coin purse and start counting out the entire amount in change? And how much do we love paying for a $3.70 cab fare with a $50 note and not tipping like it's not a problem? Or driving an enormous SUV complete with bull-bar around the city when the roads appear to be adequately paved and largely cattle-free?
So much!
October 16th, 2006 at 12:18 am
Ooo! How much do we love people who don't use turn signals! I just love when people are so inconsiderate. Makes me feel so good inside. I also Lovelovelove when people eat truly smelly food at their desk so everyone can enjoy it. And I love when coworkers sent out mass "Support our Troops" or "Jesus Loves You" forwards. Warm fuzzies!
Oh and I hate sarcasm and I hate How Much Do We Love! Hatehatehate, you lovlies!
October 25th, 2006 at 11:16 am
Wow…you unearthed some definite Bizarroness…People are forgetting to RAVE! I just wanted to add my absolute fav that you guys didn't mention: colonoscopy.
Even better, knowing that because of a family history, you get to do it ALL THE TIME! Funzies…
Crappy show guys…we hate you!
November 13th, 2006 at 1:57 am
How much do we love totally getting fooled by the topics? I was a good way into the podcast before I realized it was a bizarro episode! Great fun!!!
November 22nd, 2006 at 5:06 am
HOW MUCH DO WE LOVE the when the keychain is a hub cap? It awesome it comes with sharp edges and when done you get to get an awesome scar with grease in it for the rest of your life (i have one).
Also how much do we love flat soda at bars in our cocktails? really best drinks come with flat coke!
i also love cat "suprises" in my bed, shoes, couch, and where they decide to share whatever with you. stepping into wet cat furballs! totally awesome!