HMDWL 41! Tonight we love some new games, the Cracker Barrel, and being a regular.
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December 6th, 2006 at 12:57 am
Hello you darling dears!
There is this great game called "Man Bites Dog" … everyone should own it!!!
You are delt five cards with various words on them… for instance "Priest", "Dog", "Angry", "Naked", and "Runs away with". Then you have to form those into a newspaper headline…
Naked Priest Runs away with Angry Dog.
It is so funny and completely easy to play. It also makes a great gift… you won't be dissappointed, I promise!
Love the show, as always!
December 6th, 2006 at 10:44 am
How much do I love games? We always play Trivial Pursuit at my family get togethers.
December 7th, 2006 at 6:51 am
My favorite games are the ones that you play with house hold/home made things. Like "Celebrity" or "Who Am I" (i.e. the masking tape game) or good old fashioned "Spoons".
December 7th, 2006 at 6:52 am
I forgot to mention that when it comes to board games…I do have some favorites:
Cranium (LOVE IT)
Monopoly (dying to open up the new version)
December 8th, 2006 at 1:23 am
Devin and I LOVE the yahtzees. Hey, is there euchre over 'der in SF?
December 8th, 2006 at 1:35 am
Noah, I still have an unopened game of Yahtzee from that time we were gonna play it at the beach and I ran to Walgreen's to buy it.
we should do it soon.
and we should also play the game
December 11th, 2006 at 11:50 am
Question of the week….am I considered a regular if I listen to How Much Do We Love each week? I mean, I regularly listen and I support the HMDWL movement.
Does that consitute being a regular? Or are podcasts a restriction in the rules of regulation? Go ahead, talk amongst yourselves…..