HMDWL 48! We love people who mispronounce or misuse words or phrases (including ourselves), pot roast, and when meeting someone lives up to your expectations.
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January 25th, 2007 at 12:25 am
Hello you sexy beasts!
Funny things people in my life have said incorrectly:
1. In high school I had to do a project with a girl and we were cutting out things from magazines and she wanted a copy of the "Va-jew-eee" next me to me. I'm like, "Honey, it's pronounced 'Vogue'."
2. Also in high school, I had to read a paper for a teacher in which a student referred to Hamlet's "tragic flay" the entire time.
3. A good friend's younger brother used to be so confused about where "Via County" was because everywhere they traveled something was accessible by "Via County Road". He was in high school before he realized what via meant.
4. A family friend is constantly misusing the phrase "Catch 22". For instance, if something is simply ironic or unpleasant, she will say, "Gosh, I love pot roast but I'm eating a hamburger. What a Catch 22." By the way, she is in her 50s and has been misusing this phrase for quite some time.
5. My favorite… I told a coworker that Lori and I were going on an impromptu road trip and I had to get home and pack quick. She emailed me and said to just pack my "skibbies" and head out. I replied back and told her the word is actually "skivvies". She and I were LoLing all over the place.
Thanks for the shout out! And I can't wait for the listener forum!
Also, hello Christine, my long lost never met friend!
January 25th, 2007 at 1:34 am
Yet another morning spent on the bus grinning like a moron trying not to laugh out loud while I listen to HMDWL.
My best mispronounciation memories come from childhood.
1. In sixth grade this girl gave a report on Carl Jung, the psychiatrist who was Freud's protoge until the went seperate ways when Jung couldn't get behind Freud's assessment that all impulses are based on sex. What made the report so funny wasn't just that as a sixth grader she actually knew who Jung was (and btw she prounced his name just fine), when she talked about Freud she referred to him as Frood. At the end of the report our teacher had to ask her who she was talking about. "Sigmund Frood," she replied.
2. I've had two people in my life at different times who used the word "jiff" instead of "gist." For example: "I may not understand superstring theory, but after reading "A Brief History of Time" I now have the jiff of it."
Love the show guys, thanks for all the laughs!
January 25th, 2007 at 3:08 am
My mom and her sisters kept pronouncing epitome wrong (so that it was a three syllable word that rhymed with "epic rome" and not a four-syllable word that rhymed with "wee pit of me").
my favorite pot roast recipe from "the joy of cooking"
pat dry: 1 beef chuck or beef rump roast (3 to 5 lbs)
Season with: Salt and Ground Black Pepper to Taste
Heat in a heavy Dutch oven with a tight fitting lid over medium-high heat: 2 – 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, rendered beef fat, or lard
Add the roast and brown on all sides, about 15 to 20 minutes. maintain the heat so that the meat sizzles, but does not burn. Remove the meat to a plate. Pour off all but 2 tablespoons of fat from the pan and heat over medium high heat. Add:
2 cups finely chopped onions
1/2 cup finely chopped celery
1/2 cup finely chopped carrots
cook the vegetables, stirring occasionaly, just until they begin to color, about 5 minutes. Add:
1 cup beef stock or chicken stock, dry red wine, or water (I've found cheap Chianti works best!)
Bring to a boil and add:
1 bay leaf
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh thyme or 1/2 teaspoon dry thyme
Return the roast to the pan and covor. Reduce the heat to it's lowest setting. Cook the roast slowly so that the liquid just barely simmers. Turn the roast every 30 minutes or so. Flat roasts will take 1.5 to 2.5 hours to cook; round or oblong roasts may take as long as 4 hours. Make sure there is always some liquid in the pot and add more as needed. When the meat is tender, remove the roast to a plater and covoer with aluminum foil to keep warm. Skim off any fat from the surface of the liquid. Strain the liquid. To thicken the sauce slightly, bring the liquid to a boil. For each cup liquid, stir together and whisk in:
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon butter, softened
simmer, stirring cinstantly, until thickene. Serve with:
Potato Pancakes, Egg Noodles, or boiled new potatos.
and by the way… eets… fasaahhhhhhhhhhd!
January 25th, 2007 at 3:43 am
Easy Pot Roast (for cheaters like me)
Salt, pepper, and flour a rump roast. In a hot cast iron skillet, well greased, quickly brown all sides of the rump roast and remove from heat. Add about a cup of water, several dashes Worcestershire sauce, and an envelope of Lipton's Onion Soup Mix. (I actually use less than a whole envelope for a 3-lb. roast.) Cover pot, return to burner on a low setting. Cook for a half-hour per pound of roast. Check the thing every once in a while to see if you need to add a bit of water. Fifty minutes to an hour before it's finished, add carrots. Thirty minutes before it's finished, add potatoes (peeled and cut up). When cooking time has elapsed, remove roast from pot, place on platter, and let stand for a few minutes before slicing.
Note: You can skip the carrots and just cram as many potato chunks as you want into the gravy. There's no such thing as too many potatoes.
Now! Here's my favorite part of pot roast: The potatoes. The beef is good, and I love the leftovers for sandwiches, but really, nothing compares to chunks of starch steeped in salty gravy. It's a coronary waiting to happen. At least I'll die happy.
Fabulous episode! Yay! I'm so jealous that Sara's going to meet my sister, and I won't be there. Sniffle!
January 25th, 2007 at 5:26 am
How much do we love a new episode of HMDWL? It seems like an eternity since the last episode, but alas, it has only been a week…
January 25th, 2007 at 5:01 am
Hi! Episcopal girl here. Emily forwarded this to me and my first reaction was, "Hey, I'm not alone!" She then informed me that you were referring to ME! HAHAHAHAHAHA. I had a good laugh.
I also have another mispronunciation to tell you about.
The word clergyman? I was saying it wrong for years. With a hard "g." The day I said it outloud my mom asked me to say it again. When I did she laughed and practically fell on the floor.
January 25th, 2007 at 8:06 am
My Pot Roast Recipe (Crock Pot)
Place your potatoes, onion, carrots, etc. (celery whatever you like) in the bottom of the crock.
Put your roast on top of that.
Sprinkle roast with one envelope of Liptons Onion Soup mix.
Pour over that one can of cream of mushroom soup (or cream of celery, whatever you like) and crock away!
Simple and delish!
January 25th, 2007 at 8:01 am
I just throw a roast into the crockpot with onions, a packet of beefy onion soup mix and about 1/2 cup of water. Later in the day, I add carrots and potatoes.
The best roast I've ever made was a recipe from my friend Mo. It's a long, long recipe but worth the trouble, especially if you're having company.
3 lb chuck roast — boneless, up to 4lbs
2/3 cup flour
2 cloves garlic — peeled and chopped
1 cup chopped onion
3 TBS oil
3/4 cup red wine — optional
1 cup V-8 vegetable juice
1 cup black coffee
1 beef bouillon cubes
1 cup water
2 tsp dried thyme — or Italian herbs
1 bay leaf
salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 large carrots, or small sack of baby carrots
5 potatoes — peeled and quartered
other vegetables — if desired
1/3 cup cold water
3 Tbsp cornstarch
Find your biggest stove top pot with a lid, and pour the oil in it. Put it on medium heat. Unwrap the roast and stare at it in dismay. That's a lot of beef! But until the day you become a vegetarian, you just have to deal with it…..Pour the flour and however much salt and pepper you want into one of those nice plastic bags your apples or bananas came in. Drop the beef in there, close tightly, and wallop it around until the meat is coated.
Watch the flour drift around your kitchen and when it settles and the oil is hot, add the meat to the pot. Let it sizzle away for about 10 minutes, or until browned. If all the oil has disappeared, add 2 more tablespoons (this is not diet food, have you guessed that yet?!).
When the oil is hot again, turn the roast with the aid of a heavy duty spatula and a big fork, or whatever works for you. When you have turned it, dust the browned side with 1 teaspoon of the herbs. At this point also, add the onion and garlic to the pan. Let them all brown for another 10 minutes or so, then remove the meat from the pan. (I do something here that would probably gross out Julia Child, but it works for me. I put the meat in the upturned lid of the pot, and don't bother with another stinkin' plate to wash. I mean, the lid's going to get all messy anyway, right?)
To the pot with the onion and the garlic, I add the wine and watch it bubble away for a few minutes. Scrape up and stir around all the browned bits on the bottom… That's very important as it gives a real richness to the gravy and keeps the roast from sticking. (If you don't use wine, use apple juice.) After about 3 minutes, add the coffee, beef broth, V-8, water and bay leaf. Turn the heat up and bring to a boil; add the meat back in. Watch until the whole mess is boiling away, then turn down the heat until it is just simmering. This is also very important, because if you boil it, it just gets tough, but if you gently simmer it, eventually it will become falling-apart tender.
Let it simmer covered for about 2 1/2 hours. I don't bother to turn it but I do occasionally baste the top. At this point, add your vegetables (and maybe a little more water if it needs it). Turn the heat up for a few minutes so it simmers again, then turn it back down to just maintain the simmer. Add the remaining herbs. Put the lid back on and let it do its thing for about 40 minutes. (yup, that's over 3 hours cooking time and you can do it even longer…. it just gets more tender. Just keep it at a low simmer, NOT A BOIL.)
Now is the time to make your biscuits and yell for somebody to set the table. Don't forget the butter for the potatoes! Also, put the oven on low heat.
Remove the vegetables to an ovenproof dish and put in the warm oven to stay (naturally,) warm. Haul the roast out onto a big plate and make somebody else deal with carving it while you make the gravy.
Using a slotted spoon, fish out all the really big chunks of leftover stuff. I leave all the bits of onion and garlic in, and if anyone ever complained about lumps, I'd lump them… Anyway, turn the heat up, take cold water and stir the cornstarch into it. While stirring the gravy with one hand, slowly drizzle this in. If it doesn't thicken enough, add a little more cornstarch, always dissolving it in cold water first.
Remember, this isn't supposed to be a really thick gravy. Now, taste it, and add salt and pepper until it's the way you like it. It is better to under salt than over salt….. Sometimes when I want a smooth gravy, I use a Braun hand blender to puree it. Just a matter of choice.
Okay! Put it all on the table, sit down, enjoy, and refuse to get up and wait on anybody. Pour gravy on everything, and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
If there are leftovers, I pour the gravy over everything and freeze it in small portions; great to give to the kids when need a hot, quick meal.
NOTES : NOTE: If you don't want to buy a whole bottle of red wine you can find the little individual bottles usually….It's worth the trouble to find it. (Sutter Home Zinfandel is what I buy.) Also, V-8 comes in smaller cans, so you don't have to waste a whole jug of the stuff. Keep the rest on the shelf for the next time you make this!
January 25th, 2007 at 8:02 am
Forgot to say, love you guys! I called my Marge the other day and asked what she was doing. She said, "Just having my coffee with Sara and Rob." Too cute!
January 25th, 2007 at 4:30 pm
SARA…You took me to the DP and you made me order that PR sandwich…mmmmmm….gooooooodnessssss……one of my favorite memories with you:)
I had a co worker give his students a list of tongue twisters to use when they are warming up on their own. The next class period he was walking about the studio watching his students warm up…he found a girl warming up and with a fully supported tone she was saying “The Epi-tome (home) of femininity….”over and over again…the teacher didn’t correct her…he just smiled…
(BTW while typing to you I was listening to your podcast and thought “I AM LISTENING AND YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT ME…†I am sweating!!!! ROB I WAS NERVOUS ABOUT MEETING YOU!!! It really makes sense why you and Sara are friends (love you Sarah) and why you and Doug are together:) So good!!!) Kindness abounds)
January 26th, 2007 at 12:38 am
Wow. Fun number 48!
I have to say, my father was a stickler for proper grammar, even though I still get it wrong. Anyhoo, my 2 biggies:
1. Penultimate. Once I heard my brilliant friend Kelly use the word penultimate and loved it. How extreme, I thought. But I guess I didn't think about the word. After missusing the word for years to say that something was even more 'ultimate', Kelly laughed at me and told me it meant, the thing next to the ultimate. Like if Farrah Faucet is the ultimate Charlies Angel, Cheryl Ladd is the penultimate. She had a good long laugh on my behalf.
2. Literally. Nothing gets me going like someone missusing literally. As in I literally went to dinner with Cindy. Or I literally have goiter. No, you don't. You 'actually' have a goiter. Not literally. You can only say literally if there is a figuratively to counterbalance. Like you can literally or figuratively get 'taken to the cleaners' or, sara, literally have your work cut out for you if you are a seamstress.
Whew. I'm done.
And by the by, I really really miss the Dellwood Pickle, too!
Marc in Chicago
January 26th, 2007 at 12:51 am
Love the show … here's a few mispronounciations:
1)In college, during a presentation on the Music of the 1950's, a classmate mentioned the hit song, "Johnny B. Goode." GOODE was pronounced=Goody
2) My friend says 'obliviated'
3) I don't know that this is wrong, but it peeves me that my boss says 'lit-rally'
January 26th, 2007 at 6:39 am
Hi Guys! Love the show!
This is the Pot Roast Recipe from the Chopping Block here in Chicago. It's super easy and super delicious. The grapeseed oil might sound a little oddball, but it doesn’t impart the flavor of olive oil, yet has a high smoke point. The tobasco counters the sweetness of the tomatoes, yet it's not a spicy dish. If you can stand the wait, 3.5 hours is the magic time. I skip step 5; I’m usually too ravenous to let it cool down. Enjoy!
Pot Roast
Serves eight to ten
2 tablespoons flour
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
4-5 lbs boneless chuck or rump roast
3 tablespoon grapeseed oil
1 onion, sliced
2 teaspoons dried french thyme
1 cup small, san marzano tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon Tabasco
1. Mix the flour, salt and pepper. Pat mixture into roast or roll roast in mixture. Heat grapeseed oil in a heavy bottomoed pot with a lid or dutch oven.
2. When the grapeseed oil is hot, add the roast and brown all sides until it is a deep, brown color.
3. Lower the heat and add the onion, thyme, tomatoes and Tabasco.
4. Cover and simmer for 3-3.5 hours, turning once or twice during the cooking. If adding potatos or carrots, add 1 hour before finishing.
5. When fork-tender, cool. Remove the fat, slice the meat and reheat in the degreased sauce, or skim off the fat, reheat and bring to the table to carve.
January 26th, 2007 at 8:32 am
I could not stop thinking of malaprops and mispronounciations on the bus while listening to the show this morning. So here is my list of favorites:
VINAIGRETTE:Mispronounced as vinegar-ette. It is not a mini vinegar, people!
CONCIERGE:Mispronounced as con-see-air. Just because it’s French, doesn’t mean the second half of the word is silent.
FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES:Okay, I actually got this wrong all the time. I thought it was “for all intensive purposes”. Like a highly concentrated purpose.
SUPPOSEDLY:A woman I used to work with pronouonced it “su-pose-uv-lee.” Honey, there’s not even a “V” anywhere in the word!
RECURRING:I work in an ad agency and we recently had a project that encouraged people to pay their monthly bills with their credit card. The person who wrote the brief title it “recurring payments” but everytime she said it, it came out “reoccurring”. Now I believe either is right, but why would you write it one way and say it the other?
Love the show! Keep up the great work. And I don’t mind the once a week deal. You’re busy and not getting paid to do this. I love whatever you have to give. And the funny looks I get on the 144 in the mornings.
January 26th, 2007 at 12:31 pm
How much do I LOVE being mentioned on a podcast. It's like being famous without any money.
My favorite mispronouce is Mitsubishi. To this day, my father still thinks it is pronounced Mitz-ooo-BITCH–EE.
HELLO CORTNY! I'm your long lost BFF in Texas! Nice to meet you!
January 28th, 2007 at 6:56 am
I think my favorite mispronounced word is "Voila".
My otherwise articulate accountant daughter says it as "Walla".
oh well.. c'est la vie!
January 29th, 2007 at 2:00 am
I was listening to another podcast, Pop Culture Shock, ( that my little sister and her friends host, and one of the hosts who is not my sister said "Liberace" as though the last syllable was the high card in poker. She corrected herself immediately, though.
October 9th, 2007 at 3:12 pm
Hello webmaster…I Googled for falling in love, but found your page about …and have to say thanks. nice read.